About us

We are located in the middle of Romania, in Transilvania. Our quiet little village is situated at 800 meters above sea level, directly at the foothills of Harghita mountain, surrounded by several hectares of forest. This closeness to nature helps us to stay inspired and be creative.

Balázs Csaba

Founder & CEO

Leading the company with passion and creativity

Balázs Viktoria

Business Operation Manager

Who knows you the most.

Menyhárt Csongor

Operation Manager

The straight connection in between you and the production.

Keyboard print team photo

Our company has specialized in keyboard reprinting since 2014. Quality is at the heart of everything we do, and we are constantly exploring new possibilities in this small segment to ensure we can serve our partners to the best of our abilities. With an annual output of more than 57,000 processed keyboards and a diverse client base across Europe, our track record speaks for itself and we are proud to have been among the biggest service providers in Central and Eastern Europe.

At the same time, we are committed to doing our part for the environment. We believe in a future that is green and sustainable, and our keyboard reprinting service plays an important role in reducing waste and promoting the reuse of laptops.

Recycling Image

We take pride in being part of the
IT recycling ecosystem
and helping to create a more circular economy.