Factory repainted keyboard


The real original look...
A special technique that ensures a genuine factory type repaint. A service that was created for those who prefer uncannily similar results.
These keyboards are not digitally printed, instead spray painted with a special paint. The surface will have the exact same color shade, soft and matt look that an original keyboard has. The backlit function will not lose its original quality. It will look so similar no one will recognise the differences.
This unique technique works on all brands and types of keyboards and laptops. Not even necessary to remove the keyboards from palm rests and is able to renew all those special models that the digitally print cannot /example Surface Book/.

Why to choose factory keyboard repaint?

Unique service with top quality
Timeless and matt surface
The best option to take for your newest and most expensive laptops
Your clients will not see the difference
Cheaper, than purchase a new keyboard
Time-saving then search for a keyboard especially in case of new models

Cost of service

No hidden fees, No starting cost

In case of backlit and black colored keyboards from 100 pcs at the same model

